NG Kit Car
Background (to the madness!)
Why Build a Kit Car?
Some years ago I saw an advert for NG cars in Practical Motorist and immediately fell in love with the flowing lines and classic style. From then I harboured a desire to build one. The thought of owning a vehicle so unusual and the satisfaction of having built it myself are the two things which fuelled my desire.
I started visiting NG's web site and, after my work circumstances changed, I began to believe in the possibility of attempting the project. After swapping e-mails with the man who ran NG at the time, John, I dragged my wife off with our caravan at the end of October 2000 to Surrey so that we could visit the company which was then situated in Epsom. After what must have been the windiest night of the year, we arrived at NG to be shown the demonstrator cars.
I fell in love with the TF model all over again as we talked about the practicalities of building one. I had only seen pictures up to this time but now I could see the superb quality and finish in the flesh. The only niggle at the back of my mind was how on earth would I persuade, cajole or otherwise press-gang my beloved into thinking it was a good idea!
Then John offered me a ride. I was surprised at the comfortable springing – not at all choppy, as I had expected. With sporty performance it was tremendous fun (even though it was a little windy) and it was impossible not to grin from ear to ear. Then John offered my wife a ride and she came back with a big smile too. From then on, she presumed I would be building one so I didn’t have to convince her after all!
Why an NG TF? What is so special about it?
An NG TF has the beautiful classic look of a sports car of the 1940s.
It is based on the MGB as a donor car, for which parts are readily and economically available. This also adds to its pedigree as a sports car.
It has enthusiastic performance as it uses the 1798cc engine from the MGB but is considerably lighter.
It has simple mechanics, which make it easy to build and maintain.
It has a GRP body so it will not corrode away.
The realistically priced kit packages may be purchased at various stages of the build. This enables the cost to be spread out over its duration.

First picture, seen on the back of a magazine

Believed to be the identical colour to Dobby

with black dials

First picture, seen on the back of a magazine