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18 Dashboard

The supplied walnut fascia is beautifully finished and it is very important always to work with it on a padded surface (I used some left over foam flooring underlay which is firm but cushioned).

The dashboard is retained behind the body flange with a dash former. The steel former is shaped to follow the body line and is designed to be covered with a foam cushion and upholstery material (see Interior Trim). Two side formers extend the cushioned roll around the body sides. Note: the formers and other materials are supplied by NG.


Dash Former

I drilled and tapped the former to take M5 pan head stainless screws which will be locked into the former with thread locking compound. The body flange is sandwiched between the former and the dashboard and it is all held together from behind with nuts & washers (photo 2).


Side Formers

Because of the shape of the side formers, they cannot use screws from above (in the same way as the dash former) or they would be impossible to fit. Instead I drilled them to take stainless, self-tapping screws from underneath (photo 3).


Switch Plates

Two pieces of aluminium are needed for the switch plate and the heater control plate. Holes were drilled carefully so that the switches and controls appeared correctly spaced (photo 4).

The plates were polished by first rubbing with fine wet & dry paper (1000 grit wet). I followed this with metal polish but found it too coarse so I used some cutting compound to bring out the final lustre. The plates were then screwed onto the back of the dashboard (in the case of the switch plate, very short screws must be used).

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